The Seeger team has been selling homes to clients for over 25 years. The Manager and owner of the
team are a mother and daughter team, Jen and Judy. With over 50 successful short sales, hundreds of bank owned properties, and thousands of homes sold, their knowledge they have is endless. They have helped clients with probates, and attended many court requests. They have helped with trusts and many other types of sales. Knowledge is King and they think when clients are purchasing the largest purchase in their lives, Knowledge does help. If you were to have a surgery done, would you just choose anyone? Old school is their motto, and helping their clients in any way they can is first priority. We always treat the clients as if they are the only one we have. They pride themselves on communication and details to help clients get through the process as easily as possible. Within a half hour we communicate back to allow the client to know we are there 24-7 when they need us. We have a full staff, assistant, TC, an appraiser on site and a marketing director with people under him. We are thankful for all our very special clients.